相关词汇 impromptu
“取,分发”的 Proto-Indo-European 词根。
形成以下词汇: assume; consume; emption; example; exemplar; exemplary; exemplify; exempt; exemption; impromptu; peremptory; pre-emption; premium; presume; presumption; prompt; pronto; ransom; redeem; redemption; resume; sample; sejm; subsume; sumptuary; sumptuous; vintage。
梵语 yamati :‘持有,征服’; 拉丁语 emere :‘买,最初为“拿”, sumere : “取得,获得,购买”; 旧教会斯拉夫语 imo : “取”; 立陶宛语 imu, imti : “拿”等等证明了它的存在。
在拉丁语中,“拿”转变为“买”的意义变化,可参考老英语 sellan “给”,为现代英语 sell “以金钱交换给”提供来源; 希伯来语 laqah “他买”,最初为“他拿”; 口语英语 I'll take it 则为“我会买它”。
它构成或部分构成以下单词: and; atoll; dysentery; embargo; embarrass; embryo; empire; employ; en-(1)“在; 进入; ” en-(2)“靠近,在,上,在...之内; ” enclave; endo-; enema; engine; enoptomancy; enter; enteric; enteritis; entero-; entice; ento-; entrails; envoy; envy; episode; esoteric; imbroglio; immolate; immure; impede; impend; impetus; important; impostor; impresario; impromptu; in; in-(2)“进入,在,上,在...之内; ” inchoate; incite; increase; inculcate; incumbent; industry; indigence; inflict; ingenuous; ingest; inly; inmost; inn; innate; inner; innuendo; inoculate; insignia; instant; intaglio; inter-; interim; interior; intern; internal; intestine; intimate(形容词)“亲密的,非常熟悉的; ” intra-; intricate; intrinsic; intro-; introduce; introduction; introit; introspect; invert; mesentery。
它是假设的源头,其存在的证据由以下单词提供:梵语 antara- “内部; ”希腊语 en “在,上,在...之内; ” eis “进入; ” endon “在...之内; ”拉丁语 in “在,进入; ” intro “向内; ” intra “内部,内部的; ”古爱尔兰语 in,威尔士语 yn,古斯拉夫语 on-,古英语 in “在,进入; ” inne “在...之内,内部的。”
impromptu 的使用趋势
仅供参考,由机器翻译系统提供。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning of impromptu