Entries linking to Kama Sutra
in Buddhism, a series of aphorisms concerning ceremonies, rites, and conduct, from life's duties to household practices, 1801, from Sanskrit sutram "rule," literally "string, thread" (as a measure of straightness), from sivyati "sew" (from PIE root *syu- "to bind, sew"). Applied also to rules of grammar, law, philosophy, etc., and their commentaries.
*kā-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to like, desire."
It forms all or part of: caress; charity; cherish; Kama Sutra; whore; whoredom.
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit Kama, name of the Hindu god of love, kamah "love, desire;" Old Persian kama "desire;" Latin carus "dear;" Old Irish cara "friend;" Old English hore "prostitute, harlot."
syū-, also sū:-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to bind, sew."
It forms all or part of: accouter; couture; hymen; Kama Sutra; seam; sew; souter; souvlaki; sutra; sutile; suture.
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit sivyati "sews," sutram "thread, string;" Greek hymen "thin skin, membrane," hymnos "song;" Latin suere "to sew, sew together;" Old Church Slavonic šijo "to sew," šivu "seam;" Lettish siuviu, siuti "to sew," siuvikis "tailor;" Russian švec "tailor;" Old English siwian "to stitch, sew, mend, patch, knit together."
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Kama Sutra