Entries linking to nasopharynx
"musculo-membranous pouch at the back of the nasal cavities, mouth, and larynx," 1690s, from Greek pharynx (genitive pharyngos) " throat, joint opening of the windpipe," which is related to pharanx "cleft, chasm, gully, deep trench;" all of uncertain origin; Beekes suggests Pre-Greek origin. The combining form is pharyngo-, before vowels pharyng-; the Modern Latin plural is pharynges.
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "nose."
It forms all or part of: nares; nark; nasal; nasopharynx; nasturtium; ness; nose; nostril; nozzle; nuzzle; pince-nez.
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit nasa, Old Persian naham, Latin nasus, Old Church Slavonic nasu, Lithuanian nosis, Old English nosu, German Nase "nose."
Trends of nasopharynx
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updated on May 12, 2019