
repair (v.1)

"to mend, put back in order, restore to a sound, good, or complete condition," mid-14c., reparen, from Old French reparer "repair, mend" (12c.) and directly from Latin reparare "restore, put back in order," from re- "again" (see re-) + parare "make ready, prepare" (from PIE root *pere- (1) "to produce, procure").

The sense of "make amends for injury by an equivalent, make good" is by 1560s. Related: Repaired; repairing.

also from mid-14c.

repair (v.2)

c. 1300, repairen, "go (to a specified place), arrive, make one's way, betake oneself," from Old French repairer, repairier "to return, come back, to frequent, to return (to one's country)," earlier repadrer, from Late Latin repatriare "return to one's own country" (see repatriate). Related: Repaired; repairing; repairment.

also from c. 1300

repair (n.1)

c. 1400, repaire, "maintenance, restoration;" 1590s, "act of restoring, restoration to a sound or good state after decay," from repair (v.1). Meaning "state or condition in respect to reparation" is from c. 1600, especially "good or sound condition kept up by repairing as needed." Repair-shop attested by 1877.

also from c. 1400

repair (n.2)

early 14c., "act of betaking (oneself) to a (specific) place," from repair (v.2). Sense of "place to which one repairs, a haunt or resort" is from late 14c.

also from early 14c.

Trends of repair

updated on July 07, 2021
