restore (v.)
c. 1300, restoren, "to give back," also, "to build up again, repair; renew, re-establish; free from the effects of sin; bring back to a former and better state," from Old French restorer, from Latin restaurare "repair, rebuild, renew." This is from re- "back, again" (see re-) + -staurare, not attested by itself but also in instaurare "to set up, establish; renew, restore," etc., from PIE root *sta- "to stand, make or be firm."
From late 14c. as "to cure, heal, bring back to a vigorous state;" of objects, beliefs, etc., "bring back to an original state or condition," 1670s. Related: Restored; restoring.
Entries linking to restore
"an eating-house, establishment where meals may be bought and eaten," by 1806, in a French context, from French restaurant "a restaurant," originally "food that restores," noun use of present participle of restaurer "to restore or refresh," from Old French restorer (see restore).
Les restaurans ont donné naissance aux Restaurateurs. C’est un établissement qui a eu lieu à Paris vers 1765, & qui fut imaginé par un nommé Boulanger, lequel demeurait rue des poulies. Sur sa porte, il avait mis cette devise, qui était une application peu respectueuse d’un livre très-respectable: Venite ad me omnes qui stomacho laboratis, & ego restaurabo vos. Boulanger vendait des bouillons ou consommés. On trouvait même chez lui à manger quand on voulait. Il est vrai que n’étant point Traiteur, il ne pouvait servir de ragoûts; mais il donnait des volailles au gros sel, avec des œufs frais; & tout cela était servi proprement sur ces petites tables de marbre, connues dans les caffés. A son imitation, s’établirent bientôt d’autres Restaurateurs. [...] La nouveauté, la mode, & peut-être même leur cherté, les accréditèrent: car ce qu’ils fournissaient était plus cher que chez les Traiteurs ordinaires. Mais telle personne qui n’eût point osé aller s’asseoir à une table d’hôte pour y dîner, allait sans honte dîner chez un Restaurateur. [M. Le Grand d'Aussey, Histoire de la Vie Priveés de Français, Tome II. 1782.]
[ Restaurants gave birth to Restaurateurs. This is an institution that began in Paris around 1765, and was the brainchild of a man named Boulanger, who lived on Rue des Poulies. On his door, he had put this motto, which was a disrespectful application of a very respectable book: Venite ad me omnes qui stomacho laboratis, & ego restaurabo vos. Boulanger sold broths or consommés. One could even find something to eat when one wanted. It's true that as he wasn't a Traiteur, he couldn't serve ragoûts; but he did serve poultry in coarse salt, with fresh eggs; and all this was served neatly on those little marble tables known from the cafés. Other Restaurateurs soon followed in his footsteps. [...] Novelty, fashion, and perhaps even their high prices, accredited them: for what they provided was more expensive than that of ordinary Traiteurs. But a person who would not have dared to sit down to dinner at a table d'hôte, would go without shame to dine at a Restaurateur's.]
The identification of Boulanger was unusual before 1780s; earlier accounts from 1760s-1770s variously name Duchêne, Roze or Vacossin as the premier restaurateur from Rue des Poulies. For the restaurateur's rival the traiteur, see trattoria.
Italian spelling ristorante attested in English by 1925. Middle English had similar words in legal language, such as restaurance "restitution." The railroad restaurant car (1872) was one adapted to afford meals to passengers while travelling.
late 14c., restoracioun, "a means of healing or restoring health, a cure; renewing of something lost," from Old French restoration (Modern French restauration) and directly from Late Latin restorationem (nominative restoratio) "a restoration, renewal," noun of action from past-participle stem of Latin restaurare (see restore).
Also used in Middle English were restorement (14c.), restoring (mid-14c.). From mid-15c. as "the repairing of a damaged or deteriorated building;" from c. 1500 as "a restoring to a former state."
The Restoration (1718) refers to the re-establishment of the monarchy under Charles II in 1660 (and by extension his whole reign); as an adjective in reference to the English theater of this period, by 1842. In French history, it refers to the (briefly interrupted) reinstatement of the Bourbons in 1814.
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