14世紀末,聖經翻譯中,希伯來語 shibboleth 一詞的意思是“洪水,流”,也可以指“玉米穗”,如在士師記 xii.4-6中所用。在約旦河渡口的屠殺中,基列人將其作爲口令,以區分他們的人和逃跑的以法蓮人,因爲以法蓮人無法發出 -sh- 音。 (現代評論家已經確定希伯來語中的那個詞在那裏可能是指“河流”的意思,指的是約旦河)。
在歷史上的其他地方,類似的測試詞是 cicera “鷹嘴豆”,用於在西西里晚禱(1282年)期間識別法國人(他們無法正確發音)。 還有其他的測試詞,過去和將來都有。
During training exercises on Pavuvu and Guadalcanal, the need to improve battlefield security is to be implemented not by a simple password, but by an identification procedure described as "sign and countersign." The ground rules are to sequentially interrogate an unknown friend or foe with the name of an automobile, preferably one with an "L" in its vocalization. The response is to be a cognomen for another automobile uttered in the same manner. This insures the "friend" entering our lines will reply with the correct countersign in a dialect distinctly American; call out "Cadiwac" or "Chryswer," and you're dead. [Perry Pollins, "Tales of a Feather Merchant: The World War II Memoir of a Marine Radioman," 2006]
在 Pavuvu 和 Guadalcanal 的訓練演習中,需要通過一種稱爲“標記和反標記”的識別程序來提高戰場安全性,而不是簡單的密碼。地面規則是用一輛汽車的名字順序詢問一個未知的朋友或敵人,最好是一個發音中帶有“L”的汽車。回答應該是以同樣方式發音的另一輛汽車的名字。這確保了“朋友”進入我們的陣線時會用美國方言正確回答反標記; 大喊“Cadiwac”或“Chryswer”,你就死定了。[Perry Pollins,“Tales of a Feather Merchant: The World War II Memoir of a Marine Radioman”,2006]
也來自:late 14c.
僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning of shibboleth