
staunch (adj.)

early 15c., "watertight, impervious to water," from Old French estanche, Anglo-French estaunche, "firm, watertight," fem. of estanc "tired, exhausted, wearied, vanquished; water-tight; withered, dried" (Modern French étanche), from Vulgar Latin *stanticare (source also of Spanish estanco "water-tight," Italian stanco "exhausted, weary"). This is probably from Latin stans (genitive stantis), present participle of stare "to stand" (from PIE root *sta- "to stand, make or be firm").

The sense of "strong, substantial" is recorded by mid-15c.; of persons, "standing firm and true to one's principles" from 1620s.

also from early 15c.

Trends of staunch

updated on July 09, 2023
