stripe (n.1)
"a line or band of a different color in cloth," early 15c., from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German stripe "stripe, streak," from Proto-Germanic *stripan (source also of Danish stribe "a striped fabric," German Streifen "stripe"). These are said to be from a PIE root *strig- "to stroke, rub, press" (see strigil), source also of Old Irish sriab "stripe."
In reference to chevrons, badges, etc., on military uniforms, it is attested from 1827. The figurative use, "particular kind or character" (especially in of a different stripe) is American English, on the notion of "distinctive color." It is attested by 1847 in one of J.K. Paluding's representation of American "Western" dialect:
HODG. Mr. Bragg, the state of society in your country is even more disorganized than I had supposed.
PHIL. Yes sir-r-r, it can't be beat, as you say. Most people in furrin parts have very kind of amphibious idees of our diggins. You don't know what a glorious place it is out West. It is of an entire different stripe from your foggy England, where you have to drink port, and ale, and beer and sich like onnateral tipple It's another kind of streak, sir-r-r.
["Madmen All, or The Cure of Love"]
The phrase previously was used in fabric descriptions. Stripes for "prison uniform" is by 1887, American English.
stripe (n.2)
"a stroke or lash with a whip," c. 1400, probably a special use of stripe (n.1), from the marks left by a lash. Compare also Dutch strippen "to whip," West Frisian strips, which apparently are cognate with the English word but are not attested so early. The notion might be the long, narrow, discolored mark on flesh from a stroke or lash.
stripe (v.)
"ornament with stripes," early 15c., from stripe (n.1). Compare Middle Flemish stripen, Middle Low German and Middle Dutch stripen. Related: Striped; striping. Striped bass is attested by 1818, so called for its markings; shortened form striper is by 1945.
Trends of stripe
updated on September 05, 2023
Dictionary entries near stripe