
studious (adj.)

mid-14c., "zealous, diligent, eager;" by late 14c. specifically as "eager to learn, devoted to learning, seeking knowledge from books;" from Latin studiosus "devoted to study, assiduous, zealous," from studium "eagerness, zeal" (see study).

By 1530s as "characterized by careful attention, with studied care."

Studious represents a fact in conduct : scholarly, a fact in taste or predilection, or a similar result : as, he was very studious, but not really of scholarly instincts, nor likely ever to produce a scholarly treatise. [Century Dictionary] 

From late 14c. as a noun, "those who study or read diligently." Related: Studiously; studiousness. Studiosity is attested from mid-15c. as "application, diligence" but seems to be obsolete.

also from mid-14c.

Trends of studious

updated on September 11, 2023

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