
study (v.)

early 12c., studien, "to strive toward, devote oneself to, cultivate" (virtue, vice, wisdom, art, etc., sometimes translating Latin occupare), from Old French estudiier "to study, apply oneself, show zeal for; examine" (13c., Modern French étudier).

This is from Medieval Latin studiare, from Latin studium "study, application," originally "eagerness," from studere "to be diligent," which is reconstructed to be from PIE *(s)teu- (1) "to push, stick, knock, beat" (see steep (adj.)). The notion appears to be "pressing forward, thrusting toward," hence "striving after."

Martha swanc and becarcade to geforðigene þan Hælende and his þeowen þa lichamlice behefðen. Seo studdede emb þa uterlice þing. ["Homily for the Feast of the Virgin Mary," c. 1125]

It is attested from c. 1300 specifically as "apply oneself to the acquisition of learning, pursue a formal course of study," also "read (a book or writings) intently or meditatively." It is from mid-14c. as "reflect, muse, think, ponder."

The broad meaning "seek to learn particulars of by observation" is from c. 1600; that of "regard attentively" is from 1660s. Related: Studied; studying.

also from early 12c.

study (n.)

c. 1300, studie, "pursuit of learning, application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, intensive reading and protracted contemplation of a book, writings, etc.," from Old French estudie "care, attention, skill, thought; study, school" (Modern French étude), from Latin studium "study, application" (see study (v.)).

Also from c. 1300 as "a state of deep thought or contemplation; a state of mental perplexity, doubt, anxiety; state of amazement or wonder." It is attested from mid-14c. as "careful examination, scrutiny."

The meaning "a subject of study" is from late 15c. In Middle English also in now-obsolete sense of "eagerness, earnestness, zeal; diligent effort" of any sort (late 14c.) on the notion of "studied purpose."

The sense of "room furnished with books, room in a house for private reading and writing" is from late 14c. Study hall is attested from 1891, originally a large common room in a college. Study group is by 1926.

The meaning "artistic production done as an exercise in learning," especially a careful sketch, is by 1769. In theater, "the action of committing to memory," by 1590s, hence "one who learns lines and directions" in a stated manner (fast, slow).

also from c. 1300

Trends of study

updated on September 11, 2023
