
suborn (v.)

"procure unlawfully, bribe to accomplish a wicked purpose," especially to induce a witness to perjury; also more generally, "lure (someone) to commit a crime;" 1530s, from French suborner "seduce, instigate, bribe" (13c.) and directly from Latin subornare "provide, furnish, equip, adorn;" also, with the notion in the sub- predominant, "instigate, incite secretly; employ as a secret agent;" from sub "under; secretly" (see sub-) + ornare "equip," which is related to ordo "row, rank, series, arrangement" (see order (n.)). Related: Suborned; suborner; suborning. Middle English had an adjective, subornate.

also from 1530s

Trends of suborn

updated on September 18, 2023
