
success (n.)

1530s, "result, outcome, termination of an affair," from Latin successus "an advance, a coming up; a good result, happy outcome," noun use of past participle of succedere "come after, follow after; go near to; come under; take the place of," also "go from under, mount up, ascend," hence "get on well, prosper, be victorious." This is from sub "next to, after" (see sub-) + cedere "go, move" (from PIE root *ked- "to go, yield").

The meaning "accomplishment of desired end, favorable or propitious termination of anything attempted" is by 1580s, with ellipsis of adjective (as in good success), which is attested by 1540s. The original neutral sense was obsolete from 18c. In 16c.-17c. also "succession, order of sequence." The meaning "thing or person which succeeds," especially in public, is from 1882.

The moral flabbiness born of the bitch-goddess SUCCESS. That — with the squalid interpretation put on the word success — is our national disease. [William James to H.G. Wells, Sept. 11, 1906]

Success story "an account of a success" is attested from 1902. Among the French phrases reported by OED as in use in English late 19c. were succès d'estime "cordial reception given to a literary work out of respect rather than admiration" and succès de scandale "success (especially of a work of art) dependent upon its scandalous character."

also from 1530s
Origin and meaning of success

Trends of success

updated on September 25, 2023
