
transparent (adj.)

"presenting no obstacle to the passage of light, so that what is behind can be distinctly seen," early 15c., transparente, from Medieval Latin transparentem (nominative transparens), present participle of transparere "show light through," from Latin trans "across, beyond; through" (see trans-) + parere "come in sight, appear; submit, obey" (see appear).

The figurative pejorative sense of "easily seen through, manifest, obvious" is attested by 1590s; the more positive sense of "frank, open, candid" is by 1580s. The attempt to back-form a verb transpare "appear through something else" (c. 1600) is in Blount but died with the 17c. Related: Transparently.

also from early 15c.

Trends of transparent

updated on June 11, 2024
