trinity (n.)
early 13c., trinite, "union of three persons (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) in Godhead; doctrine of a threefold personality constituting one God" in prevailing Christian doctrine, from Old French trinite "the Holy Trinity" (11c.), from Late Latin trinitatem (nominative trinitas) "Trinity, triad" (Tertullian), from Latin trinus "threefold, triple," from plural of trini "three at a time, threefold," related to tres (neuter tria) "three" (see three).
The meaning "state of having three parts, threeness" is from late 14c., also "a threesome, a triad."
The Latin word was widely borrowed in European languages with the spread of Christianity (Irish trionnoid, Welsh trindod, German trinität). Old English used þrines as a loan-translation of Latin trinitas.
Related: Trinitarian (by 1620s in reference to a monastic order, by 1706 in reference to one who is not a Unitarian).
Trends of trinity
updated on July 17, 2024