相關條目 xenon
氣態惰性元素,1898年由其發現者(威廉·拉姆齊爵士和莫里斯·W·特拉弗斯)創造,源自希臘語 krypton,形容詞 kryptos 的中性形式,意爲“隱藏的”(見 crypt); 因爲它長期未被發現且難以尋找而得名。《科學美國人》(1898年7月9日)宣佈它爲“又一個元素的發現”。
The word ghos-ti- was thus the central expression of the guest-host relationship, a mutual exchange relationship highly important to ancient Indo-European society. A guest-friendship was a bond of trust between two people that was accompanied by ritualized gift-giving and created an obligation of mutual hospitality and friendship that, once established, could continue in perpetuity and be renewed years later by the same parties or their descendants. [Calvert Watkins, "American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots"]
因此,“ghos-ti-”一詞是客人和主人關係的核心表達,是一種信任的紐帶,伴隨着禮物的 ritualized gift-giving,創造了一種互相款待和友誼的義務,一旦建立,可以永久維持,並由同一方或其後代在多年後續約。[Calvert Watkins,“美國傳統詞根詞典”]
它構成或部分構成: Euxine; guest; hospice; hospitable; hospital; hospitality; hospodar; host(n.1)“接待客人的人”; host(n.2)“大量”; hostage; hostel; hostile; hostility; hostler; hotel; Xenia; xeno-; xenon。
它是假設的來源/其存在的證據由以下提供:希臘語 xenos “客人,主人,陌生人”; 拉丁語 hostis,在早期用法中爲“陌生人”,在古典用法中爲“敵人”, hospes “主人”; 舊教會斯拉夫語 gosti “客人,朋友”, gospodi “主人,主人”; 古英語 gæst,“偶然的來者,陌生人”。
僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning of xenon